
Home / All Cocktail Recipes / scotch-whisky / Carnivale


The Glelivet


A refreshing low-calorie whisky cocktail. The soft natural flavors of coconut water provide the perfect accompaniment to the laid-back character of The Glenlivet Founders Reserve.

The Glelivet Carnivale

1 Serving(s)


    Tools of the Trade


      • Add The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve, fresh lime, and coconut water to a highball glass half full of crushed ice and stir.
      • Fill the glass with crushed ice, taking care not to bring the level of the liquid up too high. Dash with the Amargo Chuncho bitters.
      Crafted by Visionaries, Celebrated by All

      Crafted by Visionaries, Celebrated by All

      Raise your glass to Black History Month and the change makers of the spirits world.