
Home / All Cocktail Recipes / gin / Martinez


Barr Hill Gin


The classic cocktail that likely paved the way for the gin martini and the manhattan.

While conflicting stories and controversy exist about the exact origin of this classic cocktail, many believe it was the precursor for the dry martini. Many also agree that regardless of who inventented the Martinez, it is simply delicious. When made with Barr Hill Tom Cat Reserve Barrel Aged Gin, the oak and smoke add to the complexity of this fabulous cocktail and it just may become the go-to for gin and whiskey fans alike!

The original recipe was 2 oz Sweet Vermouth and 1 oz Gin, which makes for a delicious aperitif and lower ABV cocktail. Try it either way. It also works well with our Barr Hill Gin

Barr Hill Gin Martinez

1 Serving(s)


    Tools of the Trade


      • Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass.
      • Add ice.
      • Stir for 10-15 seconds.
      • Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
      • Garnish with an orange twist.
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      Crafted by Visionaries, Celebrated by All

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