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Spanish Gin & Tonic

Junipero Gin

Spanish Gin & Tonic

Express yourself with a bold take on a refreshing classic.

With prevalent notes of juniper, Junipero is a standout as the original American craft gin since 1996. At a higher proof (98.6) taking in that strong sense of juniper is what makes Junipero an exceptional addition to any gin-based cocktail such as the Spanish Gin and Tonic. This crisp and botanical forward cocktail exudes self-expression, which is everything Junipero stands for, by encouraging the crafter to customize their cocktail to truly be their own through their choice of garnish and tonic.

Junipero Gin Spanish Gin and Tonic

1 Serving(s)


    Tools of the Trade


      • Pour the gin into a balloon wine glass filled 3/4 with ice.
      • Top with the tonic. Pro Tip: Pour the tonic down a bar spoon to avoid losing bubbles and splashing on the glass.
      • Place garnishes into the glass.
      Crafted by Visionaries, Celebrated by All

      Crafted by Visionaries, Celebrated by All

      Raise your glass to Black History Month and the change makers of the spirits world.